Monday, June 9, 2014

Babies! Babies! Babies!

      For 2.5 weeks in April, my fiance and I got the chance to farm sit for a friend... with two expecting mares! I don't know where to begin at how absolutely stressful that all is, but the rewards that we had out of it were far more important than all of the sleepless nights and cranky days...

      There is something magical that happens when the world quiets down, and a new life takes it's first breath of fresh air... when those little knobby knees stretch out and reach for the ground. When those teeny muscles flex and contract for the first time and attempt to support their own little selves high above the ground. When momma looks down at her newest addition and goes straight to work; cleaning, protecting and bonding... When they touch noses for the first time, take deep breaths of each other and bond immediately. Magic.

Baby Gaia....
      So we managed to leave the farm for maybe an hour without someone on site, that switch over between one staff member leaving to go home for bed, and the other staff member taking a wrong turn and being a few minutes late... THAT'S WHEN baby Gaia decided to greet the world. In that one hour of time span where she could've been inside, as opposed to outside in the freezing rain.
      Of course, that's when we showed up. Poor little filly, shivering in the cold freezing drizzle of a muddy shelter. Momma so exhausted and hungry. And Momma Boo (the other pregnant momma herd mate) standing guard at the door of the shelter. And there was us, flashlight in hand... Totally unprepared!
      But we got straight to work, in a half silly, half excited panic. I got the straw out, to make a safe bed and somewhat safe path to the barn so we could get momma and baby inside for the night. And Joe.. stood watch. Totally awestruck and lost in the moment before us. His entire being was so soft and lost; it made me stop to be lost with him. We stood hand in hand and watched baby Gaia struggle to her feet, with Momma Angel helping along the way. Guiding her this way and that, trying to help her find stability.... I've never been so torn with tears before, whether I was so happy, or so nervous.. So excited or so relaxed in that moment, I still can't really say. It was just the most beautiful and heart moving moment I've ever come to know in this life. And it will stay with me always.
      We managed to get Momma and baby inside; me leading Momma and Joe pushing baby along the way. Safe. Warm.
      From here our lives have been a silly bliss; the ups and downs of parenting ;) Gaia was comfortable with us from the start, and became quite the little twinkle in Joe's eye. She would knicker for us from her stall with Momma, and run to the door as soon as you opened it. She would cuddle up to you and lick you all over, grooming your hands, neck and face... once we got her outside she was a little athletic lightening bolt! Full tilt gallops all over the paddocks, over poles and around everything she could manage as a play obstacle. Even under a fence or two...

      And so her story with us will continue for her entire life; as she will be my baby girl and hopefully newest jumper mount when she's old enough...

Here are some of the best moments so far!
Her First Run in the Sand Ring

Our Snuggles

When Joe Wooed Her With The Zelda Epona Tune

First time standing, and got her blanket on!

First time out running with Mum.

First day out in the paddock with her sister!

Another day out in the sand ring.

And how she sleeps with a perfect smile on her face...

She is heaven.

Keep on keepin' on!
Don't forget to check out our website!
Nature's Run Equestrian

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